  • Analysing Football

    When performing a football action, most of this interaction between the player and the football context is INVISIBLE. This book introduces a method that allows coaches to evaluate not only what…

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  • Tactical Principles

    In this book, we will pay special attention to tactical principles and the methodological steps within these principles. This knowledge will allow coaches to describe, explain and solve tactical…

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  • Football Coaching Theory – Part 1

    Seven years of studying psychology and the brain through ‘football glasses’ has resulted in over 300 pages of ground-breaking football knowledge.

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  • Football Periodisation – Part 1

    The must have book for football coaches, technical and medical staff who want to play with their strongest team!


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  • How simple can it be?

    Unique lessons in professional football: behind the scenes with Raymond Verheijen

    This book has been released on the 4th of June 2015 during the WFA Expert Meeting 2015 in Camp Nou, Barcelona.


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  • The Official Guide to Coaching Youth Football

    256 pages full of essential knowledge for football staff active with players ages 6-19. By the founder of the ‘Dutch Vision’ at the Royal Dutch FA (KNVB): Bert van…

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  • Football Theory

    Football is a game where both teams, in accordance with the laws of the game, have the intention to score more goals than their opponent. To be able to…

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  • Periodiseren van voetballen

    Voor het eerst is het periodiseren van voetballen beschreven in voetbaltaal. Op basis van de handelingstheorie en met behulp van wetenschappelijk onderzoek is het gelukt de voetbalpraktijk te theoretiseren. Hieruit is…

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  • Voetbaltheorie

    Voetballen is een spel waarbij het de bedoeling is dat de ene partij, in overeenstemming met de regels, meer doelpunten probeert te maken dan de andere partij. Om die…

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  • Wie einfach kann es sein?

    Einzigartige Lektionen des Profifußballs: hinter den Kulissen mit Raymond Verheijen

    Raymond Verheijen (1971) erregt seit Jahren in den Medien und auf Twitter Aufmerksamkeit mit seinen pädagogischen und gelegentlich…

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  • Hoe simpel wil je het hebben?

    Eigenzinnige lessen en spraakmakende anekdotes uit het topvoetbal van Raymond Verheijen.

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  • Mais simples do que isto? (PT)

    Lições únicas no futebol profissional: nos bastidores com Raymond Verheijen

    Este livro foi lançado em Inglês sobre o 04 de junho de 2015 durante a reunião de peritos do WFA 2015,…

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